July 2, 2017 10:14

Hi. So you know what sucks? Having a really good day then having it end kind of shitty. I mean right now it’s okay, I’m pretty fine but I’m still sad. You know what else sucks? Being sad. But you know what’s worse than that? Losing friends.

I haven’t “officially” lost this friend, but to me the friendship is lost. So much has happened with this friend over the past year, and I’ve done so much to be forgiving and understanding, especially of her situation.. but lately, it’s just been too much. Too much of me and my friends constantly trying with her, trying to understand her and be a good friend despite the hurt she has given us, trying to not be angry at her because we feel like she can change especially after the numerous times we’ve talked about it before, trying to be patient and believe that she’ll realize something at some point. But none have happened. The past couple of months I’ve gotten angry and upset about it, but never to the point where I broke down in tears until today.

Maybe today was different because I finally realized that I should stop trying to keep up this friendship when it’s not being reciprocated, when it’s always mine and my two other friends’ feelings getting hurt. It’s funny because I’ve given her this same advice about her boyfriend. That if she feels exhausted, that if she feels drained from being a part of their relationship, that if she feels like she’s the only one trying so hard to maintain it, then she should leave because a toxic relationship is something that she does not need and does not deserve. Maybe I should have realized sooner that the advice I had given her a couple months ago is something I should take into consideration right at this moment.

Toxic relationships don’t have to be specifically in regards to romantic relationships — there can also be toxic friendships and I think that this is where mine has ended up in. Yes, she might be going through a lot right now, but her situation shouldn’t excuse her shitty behavior towards me or my other friends. Just because she’s going through a tough situation doesn’t mean she should ignore her friends for no reason. Yes, during hard times it’s difficult to want to get up and do anything or to even talk to anyone, but the fact is: she blatantly ignores us and pretends like nothing is wrong. She says that she just doesn’t want to talk about it, and I get that, but she doesn’t have to. We’re not forcing her to talk about anything she’s not ready to talk about. All we ask for is her to take into consideration our feelings and for her friendship. That’s it.

The shitty thing about this whole situation is that I haven’t even talked to her about it because 1) I’ve been more angry than sad about it, 2) I don’t think confronting her via text message or call would do much, 3) I feel like she wouldn’t even give straight-forward answers or admit to her faults,  and 4) I don’t want to hurt her even though I’m hurt. This whole situation’s so shitty and so high-school, it’s almost laughable. I feel like a teenager getting upset and my only solution is to not talk about it and just ignore her and never be friends again, but I hate doing that. It’s so childish.

We’re all adults, can’t we just confront each other and be good about it?

I’m tired of losing friends for no reason, and it hurts even more because the group that she was in (me + her + two others) is the one I feel the most comfortable in. I only trust a handful of people and this group just happened to be a part of that handful. The thought of losing one of them traumatizes me, and the truth is that it’s honestly probably going to happen. And I’ve never felt more vulnerable and scared and lonely. Admitting to the fact that I’ve felt lonely this past year is already terrifying, but losing a friend and intensifying that feeling is even more so.

x jaya


it’s difficult to love someone like you
you push away
when the world feels like it’s too heavy
i told you i’d help you carry the load
get the burden off your shoulders
but you let yourself sink to the floor
you pull away
the same way waves do
pulling away only to come back
this whole routine is exhausting
do you think the waves get tired of being constantly moved around?


i hope you miss me so much
your bones will shake
just the thought of me
would make you shiver
i was a part of you
just as much as
you were a part of me
don’t forget that
memories of me
course through your veins
i was the air you breathed in
after your lungs tried to collapse
the only thing that kept you up
was my voice through
long distance phone calls
no borders
no time
could have kept me from you
the only obstacle here was you
i’m pointing fingers
keeping them up until you saw
you did the same
made it seem like i didn’t care
when you pickpocketed pieces of me
kept them in the edges of your mind
for safekeeping
don’t make this all about yourself
cause two can play this game
and i bet you all of me
that i could win


they told me that
being in love
is handing someone
a bow and arrow
expecting them not to let go

you’ve let go of the string
shot me straight in the chest with the arrow
but i’m glad it was me
and never you
i would have never done that to you
but i would gladly take as many shots to the chest
if it meant saving you from the hurt